5637 steam locomotive group

year 1979

Photo: Postcards & Covers

Photo: Postcards & Covers

Photo: Postcards & Covers

Photo: Postcards & Covers

5637 At Tyseley In March

5637 At Tyseley In May

5637 Under Wraps At Tyseley

5637 Languishing In The Sidings

year 1974

Photo: Pete Wilcox

Photo: Pete Wilcox

5637 Stopped At Gloucester For Repairs

5637 With Leading Drive Wheels removed

year 1969

Photo: Roy Lawrance

Detail Of 5637 In The Scrapyard

year 1968

Photo: John Grey Turner

Photo: Loose Grip 99

5637 In Barry Scrapyard

5637 At The End Of The Line

year 1966

Photo: Ian Wills

5637 In Barry Still Largely Complete

year 1964

Photo: Peter Todd

Photo: Clive Thomson

5637 At Cardiff

Outside Barry Shed

year 1960

Photo: Roger Smith

Outside Merthyr Shed On 3rd July

year 1951

Photo: Arthur Sutton

With Harry Sutton At Cathays Shed

year 1930

Photo: Postcards & Covers

At Barry Shed In GWR Days