5637 steam locomotive group
11 March 2025:
5637 HGO Newsletter
This newsletter gives up update on 5637 Heavy General Overhaul (HGO). The boiler is being overhauled at S&CR and the Frames at Tyseley Engineering Works.
Please note GoFundMe 5637 appeal link below:
Latest photos of HGO work are on 5637 FaceBook page
All the boiler tubes and steam pipe have been removed. The boiler water trays are encrusted with lime scale and will need to be cleaned
A shot blasting facility is being installed at the Barn and when complete the boiler is to be shot blasted which will be immediately followed by an NTD (non-destructive test) at an approximate cost of £3,800.
Chris Denton has overhauled nearly all 5637’s fittings and obtaining a new gauge glass frame.
Duncan Thom and Iain Hampton started work on the cab 2nd March to clean up and paint the cab.
Frames have been stripped and transported to Tyseley Engineering Works. The piston valve cylinder bores aren’t worn and only new piston heads are required. The loco’s wheels will be removed to refurbish the axle box crowns and turn the tyres at £1000 per axle for 4 axles.
Bradley Robinson and Ben Scanlan removed the braking gear. The 5637 locomotive is in a queue for its overhaul work to be carried out.
The total cost of engineering works at Tyseley is expected to be about £20,000.
A small team of 5637 shareholder/volunteers went to Tyseley to clean and grease the coupling rods to prevent rust accumulation, this task couldn’t be carried out at Blunsdon as a last minute change of transport arrangements did not allow sufficient time.
Duncan Thom and Iain Hampton are driving fundraising. Please contact Duncan on [email protected] to help or donate any memorabilia to be sold to raise funds.
20 June 2022:
5637 Newsletter and AGM Notification
It hasn’t been possible to hold an Annual General Meeting (AGM) for the last two years due to Covid. However, an AGM has been arranged with the kind permission of the Swindon and Cricklade Railway (S&CR).
The AGM will be held on Saturday 8th October 2022 in the S&CR’s Norwegian Railway Carriage at Blunsdon, next to the cafe.
The AGM will start at 4:30 pm which will allow shareholders the opportunity to take a service train up to the engine shed to see 5637 before the meeting (you can get a ticket at the S&CR’s shop.) If 5637’s Heavy General Overhaul (HGO) has started by then 5637 may have been moved to the Barn.
As explained in last year’s report, the 5637 Steam Loco Group claimed compensation under the guaranteed minimum number of steamings clause of the hire contract for 5637 not being steamed at all in 2020.
The amount owed for outstanding steaming fees calculated by following the wording in the hire contract was submitted in a claim to the East Somerset Railway (ESR).
Regrettably, as we couldn’t come to an amicable agreement with the ESR the SLG requested that the dispute be taken to arbitration in accordance with the dispute resolution section of the hire contract.
We submitted an application to the County Court to make an order for the ESR to participate in the arbitration. The ESR then agreed to participate in the arbitration and paid our court costs.
Following the completion of the arbitration proceedings, a payment was made by the ESR in full and final settlement of all the SLG’s claims and terminating the 10-year hire contract.
During 2019 the SLG had a series of meetings with the Swindon and Cricklade Railway’s (S&CR) Steam Loco Department about 5637 returning to the S&CR. The agreements made were ratified by the S&CR’s Trustees at their meeting on 3rd January 2020 and 5637 was delivered to the S&CR’s Blunsdon site on 25th March 2020 (the day before lockdown started!).
5637’s move to the S&CR was subject to the agreement of a contract which, like everything else, was delayed due to the effects of Covid. We were given a copy of the S&CR’s contract for the hire of 6695 and modified it to reflect the agreements made with the Steam Loco Department. We then held a meeting with the S&CR’s Contracts Committee to resolve the points of disagreement and the contract was finally signed by the 5637 SLG and the S&CR Trustees on 4th February 2022.
The main terms of the agreement are that the S&CR Steam Loco Department will be responsible for carrying out 5637’s Heavy General Overhaul and putting the loco back into service. The Steam Loco Dept will carry out all necessary work on 5637 with shareholders and other volunteers working under their direction. The 5637 SLG will pay for all material and external contractors’ work at cost price.
Once 5637 is returned to service it will be hired to the Swindon & Cricklade Railway for three years. The S&CR will be responsible for insuring and maintaining the loco once it is in service on their railway. After completion of the three-year hire period, the contract will be reviewed and renewed with both parties’ agreement. The intension is that 5637 will be permanently based at the S&CR for the foreseeable future.
Since coming to the S&CR two years ago, 5637 has been kept dry and secure in their engine shed at Hays Knoll.
5637’s Heavy General Overhaul (HGO) has not started yet partly due to delays caused by Covid and partly due to the need to complete the overhaul of 6695, 5637’s sister loco, which has taken a lot longer than expected. However, work on 6695 is now progressing rapidly and 5637’s HGO is expected to commence in the Autumn.
Working parties will be held usually at the weekends if you are able to assist with 5637’s overhaul. Shareholders and volunteers should follow the instructions of the Steam Loco Department in accordance with the terms of the contract we have signed with S&CR.
Please note that all shareholders and volunteers assisting with the overhaul must be members of the S&CR so they are covered by the railway’s insurance. Members will need to sign in and out of the site when they are working at the S&CR.
There are currently 144 shareholders in the 5637 SLG.
Between them, the shareholders own 214 of the 250 shares that have been issued, including 2 shares that have been reserved for future purchase. This leaves 36 shares that are available at £250 each or £25 payable monthly for 10 months.
It is quite pleasing that we have accrued sufficient funds to cover the majority of the HGO costs.
13 April 2021:
5637 Tribute to Ken Watts

We’re sorry to have to give you the sad news that Ken Watts, the founder of the 5637 Steam Loco group that many of you know, passed away peacefully on Saturday 6th March at almost 96 years of age.
In 1978 Ken formed the GW Steam Loco Fund, which later became the 5637 Steam Loco Group, to raise money to buy an ex-GWR steam locomotive. There was a suitable loco available at the Birmingham Railway Museum and Ken was one of the party that went to Birmingham to see 5637 and subsequently decided to buy it.
Ken had been a steam loco fireman during the War and so had connections with ex-railwaymen who were local councillors. This helped persuade Thamesdown Borough Council to purchase 5637 then eventually sell it to the SLG when they had raised enough money. This was a feat that would be unbelievable today.
Ken was mainly involved in organisation and fundraising along with his wife Hazel who was the SLG Treasurer for many years. Ken organised the sale of shares in 5637 to raise money for the restoration and was the owner of share number 1. Ken had a fine collection of railway memorabilia and very kindly donated the GWR whistle he had to 5637 when the SLG didn’t have the funds to buy one.
Ken was in the army from 1946 to 1951 and was very badly injured in the swamps of Malaya when a thrown hand grenade exploded in front of him. His father was flown out to Singapore to visit Ken in hospital as the doctors didn’t expect him to survive. However, Ken recovered and married Hazel in 1950, though even in his 90s, Ken’s doctors were finding shrapnel which hadn’t already eased itself out.
Ken became a painter & decorator then a builder having a serious accident at work when he fell down a ladder and broke both ankles. One ankle in particular gave him trouble though it wasn’t at all obvious that Ken had to wear leg callipers as a result.
After Hazel died Ken became the SLG Treasurer from 2004 to 2007 and later worked as a volunteer at the Steam Museum in Swindon. It is no exaggeration to say that without Ken 5637 would not have been restored to operating condition and have been steaming for the last 20 years.
The family has requested that donations in memory of Ken be made to the 5637 Steam Loco Group.
14 April 2020:
5637 News Update
Steam Locomotive 5637 was successfully transported back home to the Swindon & Cricklade Railway last month and securely stored in the locked engine shed.
The boiler tubes required for the 10 yearly Heavy General Overhaul (HGO) were also safely delivered to the S&CR last month and stored in one of the locked containers.
As with all heritage railways the S&CR is closed to the general public during the present Covid-19 Lockdown. We anticipate the HGO will commence at some future date after the UK Government eases the Lockdown restrictions.
20 March 2020:
5637 Coronavirus Update
The East Somerset Railway have cancelled all services and this weekend’s Steam Gala on 21/22 March.
Please check their website for the latest information https://eastsomersetrailway.com/
19 March 2020:
5637 Coronavirus Update
Due to the latest UK Government guidance as at yesterday 18th March the Swindon & Cricklade Railway have cancelled all services until further notice https://swindon-cricklade-railway.org/ This means their Gala Weekend planned for 28/29 March 2020 is cancelled.
Similarly, the East Somerset Railway have cancelled services until further notice. However, the ESR have decided to go ahead with this weekend’s Steam Gala on 21/22 March. The ESR are taking special measures to minimise risks to visitors and staff.
Please check their website for the latest information https://eastsomersetrailway.com/
This means the ESR Steam Gala will be the last opportunity for Shareholders to see 5637 in steam prior to moving to the S&CR and subsequent Heavy General Overhaul of the locomotive.
We now have confirmation of 5637’s move from the hauliers. 5637 will be moved from ESR at about 9am on Wednesday 25th March and arrive at S&CR at approximately 3pm.
As previously announced the ten-year HGO will take about 2 years to complete and during this period 5637 will be out of service. Once completed 5637 will be fully operational at the S&CR.
So, a big thank you to all our Shareholders and ESR staff for their support.
7 January 2020:
5637 FaceBook Page
‘5637 Steam Loco Group’ is on FaceBook.
23 December 2019:
5637 Status Update
As you know, steam locomotive 5637’s 10 yearly boiler certificate expires in April 2020. In preparation we have purchased, in cooperation with the Swindon & Cricklade Railway (S&CR), the required 222 boiler tubes for the 10 yearly HGO at a favourable price from a well-known German supplier. The tubes will be delivered to S&CR in January and placed in a secure dry storage container until needed.
5637 will be transported to S&CR immediately following the East Somerset Railway (ESR) Gala Weekend 21/22 March. This means 5637 is also planned to be in steam for the S&CR Gala weekend 28/29 March 2020. A double-opportunity over two consecutive weekends to see 5637 operating.
Following this ‘double-bill’ it is planned to commence the ten-year HGO which will take about 2 years to complete and during this period 5637 will be out of service. Once completed 5637 will be fully operational at the S&CR.
So, a big thank you to all our Shareholders and ESR staff for their support to keep 5637 in steam. Paul, Duncan and I wish you all a Merry Christmas and look forward to seeing you in the New Year.
7 December 2019:
5637 Status Update
This is a status update on the 5637 steam locomotive. The current 10-year boiler certificate expires in April 2020. Please click HERE to download the plan to carry out the 5637 Heavy General Overhaul.
22 October 2019:
5637 in N Gauge …. 5637 Pin Badges
We are pleased to announce Revolution Trains in partnership with Sonic Railways have agreed to release a number of these models to us so that we can sell to 5637 SLG Shareholders. This will be of 5637 representing the locomotive as preserved, with 82H shed code, and includes a small plaque on the fireman’s side that reads “John Hankins – 1928-2013” in honour of one of the key members of the restoration team that worked to bring 5637 back to operational order from the mid 1980’s.

We’ll get these at a discounted price and will make them available to 5637 SLG Shareholders at the RRP, all money raised will of course go towards the boiler refit and heavy general overhaul which is getting closer!
Each 5637 N Gauge locomotive will be sold with a mini share certificate with your own share number.
So that we can assess how many models we require please email [email protected]
We now have available an enamel pin badge of our own locomotive! The badge has been made for us by the famous REV Gomm Ltd and so is of excellent quality. With our next major overhaul on the horizon we need to raise funds however we can, so please show your support, buy a badge and wear it with pride!
The badges cost £3.00 each with packing & postage £1.25, however if you want more than one badge please add an additionally 50p per badge up to a maximum of £3.00.
We will have some badges available at the shareholders day, if you would like to order these badges please please email [email protected]

30 September 2019:
Autumn Shareholders’ Day 2019 Announced
This year’s Autumn Shareholders’ Day has been arranged for Saturday 16th November at the East Somerset Railway. This is an opportunity for 5637 Shareholders to travel on trains pulled by 5637, ride on the footplate or actually drive the loco. The ESR’s Whistlestop Restaurant will be open for drinks, snacks and hot meals.
The Shareholders’ day is made possible by kind permission of the East Somerset Railway
12 March 2019:
5637 Steam Test at ESR
5637 had its steam test at ESR by John Glaze (boiler inspector). It was a stormy wet day on the 12th March whereby Paul & Lawrence who witnessed the successful steam test were soaked through in their “storm proof” clothing.
Photos from 12th March steam test are available to view in the Gallery 5637 Steam test photos
03 March 2019:
Spring Shareholders’ Day Success and Video Link
Saturday’s 2nd March 5637 Shareholders’ Day was a great success and enjoyed by Shareholders’ and their families/guests. There was great excitement during the morning as preparations were made by ESR to couple up the 5637 and 46447 steam locomotives in a “top & tail” configuration to the carriages for the return midday train to Mendip Vale.
One of our Shareholder’s, Iain Hampton, has made a video of the day 5637 & 46447 Video
Shareholders’ photos from Saturday 2nd March are available to view in the Gallery Shareholders’ photos
19 February 2019:
Spring Shareholders’ Day Saturday 2nd March 2019 Update
The Footplate Turn schedule has been sent to those 5637 Shareholders who completed and returned the request forms sent out to all Shareholders in January.
The East Somerset Railway is carrying out Track Engineering Works during the early part of March and the run round loop at Mendip Vale (far end of the track) used to turn around the engine when pulling carriages is not passable. This does not affect the solo running of 5637 up and down the track. To ensure the running of a passenger train the ESR have agreed to “Top & Tail” a midday train with carriages using the 5637 & 46447 Steam Locomotives
05 January 2019:
Spring Shareholders’ Day 2019 Announced
This year’s Shareholders’ Day has been arranged for Saturday 2nd March at the East Somerset Railway. This is an opportunity for 5637 Shareholders to travel on trains pulled by 5637, ride on the footplate or actually drive the loco. The ESR’s Whistlestop Restaurant will be open for drinks, snacks and hot meals.
17 November 2018:
Late Autumn Shareholders’ Day Saturday 17th November
The Shareholders’ Day was successfully held on Saturday 17th November at the East Somerset Railway.
The 5637 SLG AGM was held at lunchtime (in the restaurant) and a summary follows:
- Owen & Dianna Ball are retiring as Treasurer at year end to be replaced by Duncan Thom, unanimously approved by all shareholders present
- Preliminary talks held with ESR regarding a full overhaul following the expiry of 5637’s Boiler Certificate on 12th April 2020
- The offical name change from 5637 Steam Loco Fund to 5637 Steam Loco Group was discussed, voted upon and unanimously approved by all 20 shareholders present at the AGM. Additionally, 6 Postal & Email, not present, shareholder votes were counted and of these 5 approved. To summarise, 25 out of 26 shareholder votes approved the name change to 5637 Steam Loco Group and this is now the official name going forward
- Peter Todd was thanked for his technical contribution and leadership during the restoration of 5637 and was presented with a 5637 locomotive model
- Owen & Dianna Ball were thanked for their joint Treasurer role during the past 12 years and their active involvement in restoration since 1989 and were presented with a 5637 locomotive model.
Paul Thicke was unable to attend the AGM but was subsequently also presented with a model of 5637 to mark his 40 years of involvement, most of the time as SLG Chairman.
05 August 2018:
Second 2018 Shareholders’ Day on Saturday 17th November
The second Shareholders’ Day for 2018 has been arranged for Saturday 17th November at the East Somerset Railway. This is an opportunity for 5637 Shareholders to travel on trains pulled by 5637, ride on the footplate or actually drive the loco.
The ESR’s Whistlestop Restaurant will be open for drinks, snacks and hot meals from 11am to 3pm. The 5637 SLG AGM will be held at lunchtime. Shareholders who don’t receive an invitation to the Shareholders’ Day should contact the 5637 Steam Loco Group Secretary. Note: The first Shareholders’ day in March was cancelled due to Ice and Snow.
02 July 2018:
5637 New Website – Major Upgrade Completed
The new upgraded “5637 Steam Locomotive Group” website is launched. Following several months work the 5637 website has been re-designed and upgraded to the latest 2018 Technology and Security Standards. The Domain name and URL remain the same, that is https://5637.co.uk. The Browser (Google) search remains the same, that is 5637 Steam Locomotive Group.
16 March 2018:
5637 Appears in French Film About Hitler’s Train
15 March 2018:
Spring Shareholders’ Day 2018 Cancelled
This year’s Shareholdersí Day Sunday 4th March at the East Somerset Railway was cancelled due to bad weather (Storm Emma and the “Beast from the East”). The ESR reported no water at the Station nor the Shed due to frozen pipes. Also, there was no method of getting 5637 out of the shed the day before to carry out a steam test.
11 January 2018:
Spring Shareholders’ Day 2018 Announced
This year’s Shareholdersí Day has been arranged for Sunday 4th March at the East Somerset Railway. This is an opportunity for 5637 Shareholders to travel on trains pulled by 5637, ride on the footplate or actually drive the loco. The ESR’s Whistlestop Restaurant will be open for drinks, snacks and hot meals.
1 January 2018:
Calendar Girl
5637 is featured as ‘Miss March’ in 2018’s Steam Trains Calendar published by Salmon Calendars. The locomotive is shown in her black BR livery coming into Arley Station during her visit to the Severn Valley Railway in 2004.
15 September 2017:
Second 2017 Shareholders’ Day on Saturday 4th November
8 April 2017:
5637 SLG Chairman Retires
Paul Thicke has retired as Chairman of the 5637 SLG after more than 30 years in the post. As Paul had made it clear at the Management Team meeting in 2015 that he would be stepping down soon it was no surprise to receive his letter of resignation, though it is regretted none the less.
Paul was working to obtain a GWR loco long before most of us were involved and was a member of the delegation that first went to see 5637 at Tyseley in 1981, becoming Chairman of the 5637 SLG thereafter. Paul’s chairmanship has seen the loco obtained, paid for, fully restored and run reliably in service, with every expectation that it will continue to do so into the future.
As a result of Paul’s retirement the Management Team has combined the Group’s project coordination role with the post of Chairman. Peter Todd has thus kindly agreed to take over as Chairman on a short term basis until April 2018.
13 March 2017:
New Smokebox Door Fitted
5637’s smokebox door was found to be excessively worn after many years of use and become so thin it was starting to collapse around the central boss. A new smokebox door was fabricated and fitted by the East Somerset Railway’s workshop team.

Photo: Steve Masters
New Smokebox Door Fitted to 5637
30 January 2017:
Shareholders’ Day on Sunday 26th February 2017
The first Shareholdersí Day for 2017 is earlier this year and has been arranged for Sunday 26th February at the East Somerset Railway. This is an opportunity for 5637 shareholders and guests to travel on trains pulled by 5637, ride on the footplate or actually drive the loco. The ESR’s Whistlestop Restaurant will be open for drinks, snacks and hot meals from 11am to 3pm. Shareholders who don’t receive an invitation should contact the 5637 Steam Loco Group Secretary.
A 4mm (OO) model of 5637 is being released by Bachmann for Christmas 2017 and is expected to retail for £84.99.
Bachmann have been working on a 4mm model of a 45 ton steam breakdown crane and approached the East Somerset Railway for help as they have a breakdown crane awaiting restoration. During the discussions Bachmann were persuaded to produce their 56xx model in the guise of 5637 since they wanted a new livery for 2017.
The model of 5637 will be in the GWR “mid chrome” green with GREAT WESTERN lettering on the tank sides. The model will look pretty much like the loco did following restoration when it was first at the ESR.
9 September 2016:
Second 2016 Shareholders’ Day on Sunday 6th November
The second Shareholders’ Day for 2016 has been arranged for Sunday 6th November at the East Somerset Railway. This is an opportunity for 5637 Shareholders to travel on trains pulled by 5637, ride on the footplate or actually drive the loco. The ESR’s Whistlestop Restaurant will be open for drinks, snacks and hot meals from 11am to 3pm. Shareholders who don’t receive an invitation should contact the 5637 Steam Loco Group Secretary.
11 January 2016:
Spring Shareholders’ Day 2016 Announced
This year’s Shareholders’ Day has been arranged for Sunday 6th March at the East Somerset Railway. This is an opportunity for 5637 Shareholders to travel on trains pulled by 5637, ride on the footplate or actually drive the loco. The ESR’s Whistlestop Restaurant will be open for drinks, snacks and hot meals. However some of the SLG Management Committee have decided to pay the ESR £10K to retube the locomotive over the next couple of months, so the Shareholders’ Day is dependant on the retube having been completed in time.
28 September 2015:
Autumn Shareholders’ Day for 2015 Announced
The second Shareholders’ Day for 2015 has been arranged for Sunday 1st November at the East Somerset Railway. This is an opportunity for 5637 Shareholders to travel on trains pulled by 5637, ride on the footplate or actually drive the loco. The ESR’s Whistlestop Restaurant will be open for drinks, snacks and hot meals from 11am to 3pm. Shareholders who don’t receive an invitation should contact the 5637 Steam Loco Group Secretary.
6 August 2015:
5637 to Visit the Pontypool and Blaenavon Railway

Photo: Peter Todd
5637 at the Pontypool and Blaenavon Railway
8 April 2015:
Shareholders’ Day
The first Shareholders’ Day of 2015 was held on Wednesday 8th April. The East Somerset Railway has been extending its running season over the last few years which meant that a weekend wasn’t available for this spring’s Shareholders’ Day. Instead the Shareholders’ Day was held during the Easter Holidays when children, parents and teachers were on holiday. This was disappointing for those people who were working in the week, however the weather was warmer than usual as the Shareholders’ Day was held later in the year.
A special guest this year was Arthur Sutton and his wife Linda who kindly sent us the oldest known photo of 5637 with his grandfather, Harold William Sutton, at Cathays sheds.
The original photo is with Arthur’s aunt, only about 2 x 3 inches, and badly damaged. Arthur spent a lot of time doing digital repair work, and the result can be seen in the Gallery (Harold Sutton is on the left). It appears that 5637 was standing at the Cathays sheds, just outside the covered shed where coal and water were taken on, looking north.

Photo: Dick Belchambers
Arthur and Linda recreating the photo with his grandfather
On the back of the original photo is written “H W Sutton foreman and a worker”. Arthur managed to get in contact with a relative of someone who worked with his grandfather, and his mum recognised the other worker as Johnny Beck – a “shed driver”. Harold was a “yard driver”. He passed out as a driver but was never able to progress to driving outside the yards as it was discovered he was red-green colour-blind.
Arthur’s father told him the photo was taken in 1951 and looking at Harold that would put him at age 55. As 5637 appears to have been recently painted into its new BR livery following nationalisation in 1948 it’s further confirmation that the photo was indeed taken in 1951. Harold Sutton died in February 1959, aged 63 and was still working for British Railways. Johnny Beck outlived him.
21 February 2015:
Easter Shareholders’ Day for 2015
The first Shareholders’ Day this year has been arranged for Wednesday 8th April 2015 at the East Somerset Railway. The ESR has been extending its running season over last few years which meant that a weekend wasn’t available for this Spring’s Shareholders’ Day. Instead the Shareholders’ Day is being held during the Easter Holidays when children (& teachers) are on holiday and the weather is likely to be better. The ESR’s Whistlestop Restaurant will be open for snacks and meals from 10am to 2pm. Invitations will be sent out shortly and shareholders who donít receive an invitation should contact the 5637 Steam Loco Group Secretary.
1st November 2014
Shareholders’ Day
The second Shareholdersí Day of 2014 was again very well attended, though everyone managed to get a footplate turn. The weather was good and 5637 ran perfectly to schedule.
Shareholders were also able to see Ivatt class 2MT tender engine No. 46447 resplendent in the East Somerset Railway’s engine shed. This loco had been returned in to service the following Saturday for the first time in 48 years following a two year restoration in the ESR’s workshops.

Photo: Jill Tombs
Waiting for a footplate turn on Shareholders’ Day
1 October 2014:
Second Shareholders’ Day for 2014 Announced
The second Shareholders’ Day for 2014 has been arranged for Saturday 1st November at the East Somerset Railway. This is another opportunity for 5637 Shareholders to ride on trains pulled by 5637, ride on the footplate or actually drive the loco. Shareholders who don’t receive an invitation should contact the 5637 Steam Loco Group Secretary.
17 March 2014:
Visit to Swindon & Cricklade Railway
5637 is finally returning to the Swindon & Cricklade Railway for the first time since the loco’s restoration was completed fifteen years ago. The S&CR was having difficulties paying for the return transport to the East Somerset Railway, fortunately six members of the S&CR’s loco department have agreed to meet this cost allowing 5637’s visit to go ahead.

Photo: Paul Lockley
The Swindon and Cricklade Railway
Operational staff who are also 5637 shareholders have been given priority in crew selection while the loco is at the S&CR. 5637 will be steaming at the S&CR on the following dates:
26th, 27th & 28th April
3rd, 4th , 5th & 6th May
10th & 11th May
Following the sale of the S&CR’s resident operational steam loco, Metropolitan Railway tank engine number 1 will be providing steam traction over Easter. This means that both 5637 and Metropolitan No 1 will feature in the steam gala being held at the S&CR on 26th and 27th of April.
8th March 2014
Shareholders’ Day
This year’s Shareholders’ Day was very well attended probably due in part to the previous Shareholders’ Day having to be curtailed early in the morning. The roster for footplate turns was completely full and a waiting list drawn up to fill any cancellations.
Fortunately the terrible weather we had been enduring all winter came to an end just in time for the Shareholders’ Day. The sun shone and it was even warm at times.
This Shareholders’ Day also saw the unveiling of a plaque in memory of John Hankins with members of John’s family in attendance. The plaque was made in the style of a railway wagon plate and fixed to the side of the fireman’s tool box.

Photo: Paul Lockley
John Hankins’ daughter, Tina, with the plaque to his memory
5637 ran perfectly all day thanks to the East Somerset Railway. Special thanks go to Barney and Tom for crewing for us.
24 December 2013:
Shareholders’ Day 2014 Announced
A replacement Shareholders’ Day has been arranged for Saturday 8th March 2014 at the East Somerset Railway following the curtailment of the previous Shareholders’ Day (see Events). Invitations will be sent out towards the end of January and shareholders who donít receive an invitation should contact the 5637 Steam Loco Group Secretary.
Enquiries have once again been made about 5637 visiting the Swindon & Cricklade Railway, and provisional dates at the end of April and the beginning of May 2014 have been proposed.
6 December 2013:
Calendar Girl Again
5637 is featured as ‘Miss March’ in 2014’s Age of Steam Appointments Calendar published by Salmon Calendars. The locomotive is shown in her black BR livery coming into Hampton Loade Station during her visit to the Severn Valley Railway in 2004.
30th November 2013
Shareholders’ Day 2013 Curtailed
This year’s Shareholders’ Day was held on Saturday 30th November and started well, 5637’s 14 month boiler exam was finished in time and the weather was good.
However, 5637 had completed the first three footplate runs up and down the track and was just on its way back to the engine shed yard for water when suddenly the blowdown valve mounted underneath the loco began to leak. This rapidly worsened with steam and water being expelled onto the track.
5637 was driven over the inspection pit in the loco shed to assess the condition of the blowdown valve and it became difficult to see into the shed from outside. With the huge quantities of steam being released it looked as if a small cloud was trapped inside.

Photo: Paul Lockley
5637’s blowdown valve leaking
As it was clear nothing could be done 5637 was driven out into the yard and the fire dropped. This allowed the engine to cool down so the boiler could be drained and the blowdown valve worked on the next day, though 5637 was unable to pull the Santa Special then as scheduled.
It was originally planned to fit a memorial plaque to John Hankins onto 5637 in time for the Shareholdersí Day. Unfortunately both the members of the management committee involved were ill and weren’t able to bring the plaque down to the East Somerset Railway.
The intention was that this year for a change 5637 would give shareholders rides in a guards van rather than train rides. Barney kindly provided guards van rides but towed by Sentinel Diesel PBA 39 instead, so that shareholders didn’t have a completely fruitless trip.
It subsequently emerged that the blowdown valve had become clogged with debris which was causing it to leak. This was rectified and 5637 was expected to pull the rest of the Santa Specials.
Apologies to everyone that missed their footplate ride and seeing 5637 in action and thanks to those shareholders who made donations in spite of the disappointing day – it’s very much appreciated. It is intended to hold a replacement Shareholders’ Day in March next year which we hope will be more successful!
26 September 2013:
Shareholders’ Day 2013 Announced
This year’s Shareholders’ Day has been arranged for Saturday 30th November at the East Somerset Railway. This is a later date than in previous years due to the ESR running trains every weekend in October and the need to carry out 5367’s 14 month inspection during November. Invitations will be sent out towards the end of October and shareholders who donít receive one should contact the 5637 Steam Loco Group Secretary.
Discussions were held again with the Swindon & Cricklade Railway about 5637 visiting first in the spring and then in the autumn this year. The loco’s visit would have been to mark the opening of the Taw Valley Halt, however planning delays meant that the S&CR weren’t able to open their new station as they’d hoped.
25 September 2013:
John Hankins

Photo: Paul Lockley
It is reported with deep regret that John Hankins passed away in his sleep on 4th September after a long illness.
John was an invaluable member of the 5637 SLG Management Committee since the mid eighties and continued to be actively involved until quite recently in spite of his deteriorating health.
As well as carrying out the actual restoration work on the loco, John spent countless weekends over many years fund raising. Much of the around £80,000 needed to complete 5637’s restoration was raised thanks to his efforts.
It is doubtful that 5637 would ever have returned to steam again without John’s vital contribution. He will be sadly missed as a friend and engineer.
15 November 2012:
Calendar Girl
5637 is featured as ‘Miss March’ in 2013’s Age of Steam Appointments Calendar published by Salmon Calendars. Unlike the other ‘models’ who are pictured with passenger trains, 5637 is alone in being portrayed pulling a goods train in her black BR livery.
21 October 2012:
5637 Passes Steam Test
The 5637 successfully passed a steam test on Friday 12th October after passing a thorough boiler exam on Monday 8th October.

Photo: Peter Todd
Preparing 5637 for the Steam Test
20th October 2012
Shareholders’ Day
The second 5637 shareholders’ day in 2012 was held on Saturday 20th October. Unlike the shareholders’ day held earlier in the year, this shareholders’ day was not oversubscribed and everyone who wanted got a turn on the footplate.

Photo: Paul Lockley
Jenny Takes The Controls
Again shareholders lit up 5637 at the crack of dawn and helped prepare it for the days’ work. Luckily the weather was good on Saturday and 5637 performed faultlessly throughout the day.
Thanks to the East Somerset Railway for holding the Shareholders Day and particularly to Barney and James for crewing for us.
20 September 2012:
Second Shareholders’ Day for 2012 Announced
The second Shareholders’ Day for 2012 has been arranged for Saturday 20th October at the East Somerset Railway. This is another opportunity for 5637 Shareholders to ride on trains pulled by 5637, ride on the footplate or actually drive the loco. Shareholders who donít receive an invitation should contact the 5637 Steam Loco Group Secretary.
23 May 2012:
2011 Accounts Distributed
The 5637 Steam Locomotive Group’s audited accounts for the year ending 31st December 2011 have been distributed to members. Any shareholder who hasn’t received a copy should contact the Treasurer.
17th March 2012
Shareholders’ Day
Early morning drizzle was gradually clearing away as two shareholders turned up at 5:30 am to light up 5637 for the day’s work. Supervised by Chris, who was fireman for the Shareholders’ Day, the engine’s boiler gradually came up to pressure and was ready for work promptly at 9am.

Photo: Paul Lockley
David Lighting-up 5637 At The Start Of Sharedolders’ Day
The weather remained fine for the rest of the day and 5637 ran smoothly without any breakdowns, unlike the previous year. There was a large turnout of shareholders and their guests this year with every possible footplate turn booked.
Unfortunately the ESR’s Whistlestop restaurant wasn’t open for meals during the Shareholders’ Day this year. However the Strode Arms in nearby Cranmore Village did a roaring trade with shareholders eating there instead. Some shareholders went further afield for food – there’s a good transport cafe about four miles away off the roundabout at the junction of the A361 and the A359 that proved very reasonable.
Steve Masters kindly supervised those shareholders who took the controls during their turn on the footplate yet again this year. We’re not sure if he enjoys meeting the shareholders and their guests or just that he wants to ensure they don’t break anything.
Thanks to those shareholders who generously made a donation to 5637’s funds.
1 February 2012:
Shareholders’ Day 2012 Announced
This year’s Shareholders’ Day has been arranged for Saturday 17th March at the East Somerset Railway. This is the opportunity for 5637 Shareholders to ride on trains pulled by 5637, ride on the footplate or actually drive the loco. Shareholders who havenít received an invitation should contact the 5637 Steam Loco Group Secretary.
27 January 2012:
Home Visit Off
Unfortunately the Swindon & Cricklade Railway has decided they are unable to afford to have 5637 back for a four week period, even at the heavily discounted steaming fees offered to allow a “home visit”. What money the S&CR has available is needed to hire in a second engine for the 2012 season.
It remains to be seen if it will be possible for 5637 to return to the Swindon & Cricklade Railway at some future date. Meanwhile this means the loco is available for visits to other railways on short term hire to attend galas, replace failed engines, etc.

Photo: Paul Lockley
The Swindon and Cricklade Railway
16 June 2011:
Home Visit
26th March 2011
Shareholders’ Day
The first 5637 Shareholders’ Day since the completion of the locomotive’s major overhaul and return to service last year was held on 26th March. It had been intended to hold a Shareholders’ Day at the end of October but the very short notice given to shareholders meant that very few of them would have been able to attend so regrettably the event was cancelled.
On the day, 5637 shareholders, their families and friends were able to attend without charge and take turns driving the loco light engine the length of the East Somerset Railway under supervision of an ESR crew. Two trains pulled by 5637 were also scheduled to enable everyone to travel up and down the line even if they didn’t want to ride on the footplate.
One “lucky” shareholder and his sons had the privilege of getting up around 5am to light up the engine and prepare it for the day’s work, though it’s believed they enjoyed the experience in spite of the early start. See the video of 5637 running light engine during Shareholders Day.

Photo: Paul Lockley
5637 about to depart from Mendip Vale during Shareholders’ Day
The weather was being kind to us when one particularly ham fisted shareholder had the controls and a sickening clang of metal was heard after 5637 crested the hill after charging up the gradient from Mendip Vale. After a hurried stop it turned out one of the main loco springs had completely sheared through and the bits of spring had to be retrieved from where they had been scattered down the track.
The engine limped back to the Engine Shed where the workshop crew descended on it as though they were working in an F1 pit stop. Although it was already well in to the afternoon when the damage occurred, the broken spring was replaced with a spare and 5637 eventually reappeared at Cranmore Station. This was to the great delight of two of the shareholders who were determined to wait and see if the loco could be repaired in the hope of finally getting their turn on the footplate.
Thanks to the ESR staff who kindly helped support the Shareholdersí Day and particularly to Steve and Barney who had a very long day crewing and repairing 5637. It’s reported that they even carried on working into the evening to provide a brake van ride for an ESR member’s birthday party.